Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I need Spring Break

I don't know when I will return to normal, I just feel so sad and tired. The shock of Aunt Brenda's death last weekend (the 18th) still hangs in my mind. I knew I shouldn't have gone to the viewing, I shouldn't have seen the body. Now I just can't stop crying, I can't thinking or do much of anything without crying. I've also got these really sharp pains in my stomach area. I'm glad for Jess and Jacci for lifting my mood in the times that they are with me though. Right now, I just want to be with my mother and to see the rest of my family again (under better circumstances). I can't wait to go home for spring break, even if I have a lot of homework to take home with me. I just want to go home, talk to my mom, see my dog and such. I need spring break.

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