Tuesday, September 21, 2004

So tired

I'm so tired today and I don't know why. I'm kind of glad that I have my doctor's appointment because maybe they will know if it is just fatigue or something more. I hope that it isn't because that will mean BAD things for me and my schooling. I just want to rest and not think for awhile. However if you want some intelligent thought visit my friend Terri's blog:


I just love the way she thinks and stuff. Anyway, I'm going to go lie down and have a nap before I get sick and stuff.


Terri D. said...

That's so nice. Thanx, I appreciate that.

Anonymous said...

And stuff. You should really post today and stuff. I hear that Terri has added some things to her blog, and stuff. She only has two readers over there, so your readers should go and check it out. Give them some company.